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At UVic!
Feb. 9, 2001 10 pm

I'm at Kim's place right now in Victoria. La dee da...wish I had a cool laptop like this that has keys that don't MAKE A LOT OF NOISE!! That is the one complaint I have about the computer in my room - sooo noisy...parents can hear me whenever I am on and it drives me insane...

Feel sort of bad because I am going to have to miss a month of field hockey at least... :( Next time I work I am going to ask if I can possibly have Sunday's off cuz I need the exercise...and I miss playing hockey. For a couple months there it was my only escape from the hell on the hill (SFU). It was also the only way I had of making friends up there. Actually, other than Cody those girls were my only SFU friends. Besides Kendall, the chick who walked around campus with me after the night from hell. Everything from that school was hell, really.

Well I am going to go now. Feeling tired and still experiencing the trauma of a very very bad hangover. Beer before liquor you've never been sicker...right. Too bad I forgot about that one last night?

I miss Cody.

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