about me
charm designs

hunger hurts, but starving works
Jan. 24, 2001 11:50 am

I actually got up today to go to my first (and only) class of the day, just to find out that the teacher has taken the whole week off, and yesterday she gave everyone a bunch of worksheets to work on. I skipped yesterday so now I don't have the worksheets...what the fuck, why do I always choose to skip on days that are important?

So now I am bored and I'm just sitting here eating crackers. Jamil actually asked me how I've been doing lately and he seems interested in my life, which I find kinda (okay, VERY) out of the ordinary. Usually he only talks to me if wants something. I bet there must be some other motive behind his friendliness; I bet he's checking up on me because he talked to Cody yesterday or something, or someone else asked about me. Or maybe he really does care about me. That seems too easy though. Oh well, just gotta take things as they come...

It's weird how I tried to stop taking my medicine so that I could actually *feel* something, but then when I did stop taking it, I felt more numb than ever. Maybe that was just a side effect to cutting it off so quickly, I mean I don't even know anything about the medicine I'm on and I probably should - maybe I am supposed to go to a lower dose first and then slowly wean myself off of them sort of thing. I'm sure it's quite easy to get addicted to an anti-depressant.

I haven't heard Cody's voice since Friday...I miss him so much...God I hate this...

I just keep looking at this picture of us. It is so perfect and so cute. Everything about the way we are cuddled against each other and the placement of my arms and his say everything. Why does he have to be so cute, it's not fair =( I think I'll put this picture in with his Valentine's Day present. Just a friendly reminder that we were like, the cutest couple on earth. And maybe he'll look at it and think I'm pretty again...cuz I really do think I look pretty in that picture. It's so perfect. Makes me want my long hair back. Oohhh well...

I'm getting sick of this orange layout already, I need a change. But I don't like those other layouts really. I wish I had skillz and could change my own diary. Maybe my brother will help me.

I guess I should make some lunch now, even though I hate eating. It just feels so gross. The only thing I can stomach is tea and crackers. Yum.

Cody Cody Cody....Krista and Cody...Cody and Krista...blah.

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