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first entry of the day.
Jan. 4, 2001 4:16 pm

Why have I been sleeping so much lately? It's like I cannot fucntion properly without 12 hours of sleep. I sleep in every day until at least 1 pm. It's awful, I know it is. And I've been getting fat again. I exercised today though, and I haven't been eating any junk food. I think I'm going to start going to aerobics classes at Watermania and see how I like it.

God I am so tired. My head feels heavy and I keep wanting to close my eyes...the last few days I have been taking baths, I don't know why. Every day, I either do my hair and then take a long bath afterwards, or I just take a bath and rinse my hair out in the water before I get out. It's kind of relaxing actually. I wish I had bath pillows though. Sitting there reading is uncomfortable after a while.

The book I'm reading is so good. It's "Back Roads" by Tawni O'Dell. I am about 3/4 through it and something really surprising just happened, I totally didn't see it coming. It's great. Harely is 19 and left to take care of his 3 younger sisters, Amber who is 16, Misty who is 14, and Jody who is 6. Amber is a slutty bitch, Misty is kind of sullen and weird and Jody is just cute and totally innocent. Harely is just a horny teenage guy with a lot of respnosibility now when all he really wants is to be normal and have a girlfriend. Their mom is in jail for shooting their abusive dad. But it was just revealed that Misty and her dad had had a sexual relationship, and when she found out that her mom had been saving up money to take the kids away from their father and leave, Misty went to go shoot her mom - but her dad got in the way. So it was actually Misty who killed their father, and their mom took the blame.

Wow, that is one screwed up family. Sorry if I just ruined the book for anyone.

God I miss Cody so much. I wonder what he is doing right now...

So far I am signed up at Langara for two English classes (a normal one, and a Lingusitics one), one about Contemporary Japan, and French by correspondence. I want to get into History and Psych and drop one of the English courses and maybe French. Depends on how much work I'll have for French. If it requires no oral work...I'm all for it.

Cody, Cody, Cody =*( I wish I could call him right now. Well, I could, but I am really trying to not harrass him as much (as much as I'm scared he will forget all about me)...*sigh*. Maybe I will call him this weekend.

Tomorrow is my first meeting with the therapist lady.

I think I'm going to go take a bath now, read my book. Engage myself in the lives of kids who some would say are more messed up than me. Anything to escape this loneliness and pain and frustration.


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