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May 30, 2000 23:42:33

I should be studying for History but I'm not. Not because it's boring, because it's far from boring. It's actually really fascinating. It's just tedious to study for.

Is it just me or did the world seem so much more cooler back in the 60's and 70's?? Honestly. Our decade was pretty boring. Just a bunch of Middle East oil crises and political scandals. The normal tension between the US and Cuba. Whatever. Nothing that really effected me. Or so it seems. I bet in 20 years I'll realize what important things happened that really made a difference in my life.

I love the Wonder Years. That has got to be one of the best shows ever on TV. It's so real. The American family is just so...real. And it's right smack in the middle of the Vietnam stuff...I just love that show. We're learning about Vietnam right now and it's so interesting.

I can't believe I ever made it this far being so ignorant of History. History 12 should definitely be a required course. I feel so much more intelligent now. Like, I actually understand things now. I can't BELIEVE I ever lived knowing so very little of what happened just 50 years ago. I understand now. I know why we live the way we do, why the US is the way they are, and Cuba, and China, and the USSR, and's amazing. Humans are so amazing. History is amazing. Without any knowledge of History, who are we? We're nothing. If we are completely unaware of our own History, what is the point of living? I will forever be grateful for taking History, because it has opened my eyes so much. It has made me so much smarter and worldly. I find everything just so...enlightening. It's like, we all know about hippies, Vietnam, WWII, the Cuban Missile Crises, the Berlin Wall...they are things I've always known about vaguely, but I didn't have the SLIGHTEST clue what they were really about, and why they happened, and what the effects from these events have done to totally change my own life. Everything is so connected. Everything in History has stemmed from something else in History. Things from the 50's are still not resolved in our world today. Learning about our history has totally made me feel connected to the past generations, you know? It's hard to explain, but I feel like I'm actually a part of this world now. That's exactly it. It's like, I know who I am and why we're like this, and what is going on. There are so many fascinating issues in the world that teenagers are just so blatantly ignorant to. It's sad.

Gotta go now...bye!


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