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bad stuff and good stuff
May 15, 2000 21:06:03

Today was kinda weird, I had to get up super early for History tutorial, then I had my test second block. I think it was pretty good. I felt like I knew everything decently. But all day I've felt really sick.

I hit my head sooo hard on Friday, on the corner of a locker and I had a bump on my head that hurt so bad...then, on Sunday night I hit my head in almost the same place again on the roof of the car, and that night I almost fainted. No joke. I've never actually had that happen to me before. All those times I've said, "Yeah, I almost like, fainted!", I wasn't even CLOSE, trust me. I can honestly say this was one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me. I was standing at the dresser brushing my hair or something before bed....maybe I was putting stuff on my face, I can't remember...anyways I was just standing there at about 12pm or so and I just started to fall. It was like, completely out of nowhere, my vision went totally whacked and everything tilted way over to the right super fast then went black and I physically fell and I couldn't even stop's like usually when you kinda black out you can close your eyes and try to see and stuff right? Or when you're dizzy you can stop and try to regain normalness. But this was like, I had NO control over it at all. It was so, so scary. Luckily right before I actually hit the ground my arm hit the side of my bed and that helped stop from hitting anything. I'm kinda scared still, especially after Cody told me this freaky story and got all mad at me for not telling my parents and just going right to bed after that. He told me how in Grade 9 at some school, some guys were joking around in the locker room and one of them fell backwards and hit the back of his head really hard the corner of a locker, and he didn't tell anyone, then he went to bed that night and never woke up. Cody was like, freaking out this morning when I told him I almost fainted and then just went to bed. So all day I've felt so sick to my stomach, just thinking that I could have died or something. Ahhh. I'm so scared. And I've been wanting to sleep all day cuz I'm so tired but in Bio I was literally scared to close my eyes, thinking I'd go unconscious or something. And I almost started crying like 10 times today. Arrgh. But I feel better now, my head doesn't even hurt at all, even when I touch it, so I think it's fine.

I went to Cody's after school and that was fun =) I wanna go to the mall after school tomorrow I think. I wanted to see a movie, but I have a Bio test Thursday that I need to study for, so I think I'm gonna have to pass that up. Maybe I'll go on Fri afternoon or something, cuz we have a Pro-D day. Maybe I'll go tomorrow. I dunno, we'll see. I wanna see Center Stage sooooo bad...SO bad. It's not even funny. I'm actually getting giddy just thinking about the movie. I looooooooove watching dancing...ahh! And I wanna see Where the Heart Is...I finished the book last week and it was awesome. On Saturday at work I actually talked to a customer like we're supposed to while I got her drink, and it was so neat, we were talking about Where the Heart Is cuz they were going to that movie and I told her I read the book and it was really good and she said she read it too and she thought it was excellent and I was like, yay, I'm cool. Well not really but I thought that was neat how we talked about books.

I'm bored right now. Dawson's Creek's on in 20 mins but I'm not sure I'll watch it. Season Finale of Ally too, but I'm not in a TV mood. Not even for Ally or DC. What I really should be doing is my portfolio. Oh! I got perfect on my portfolio again!! I'm so happy! And Ms. Panas BEGGED me to put my story (the second one I wrote) on the wall and I said okay. So that's neat. I'm so proud of myself =)



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