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Sick and bored.
April 14, 2000 14:19:41

I stayed home from school today, cuz in the morning I felt sick. Well, kinda. I did have a headache and a stomachache, barely. I'm pretty much fine now, except I don't really have an appetite. I probably have a very mild version of what my brother's had all week. I'm really glad I stayed home from school, because I think the main reason I wasn't feeling good (and couldn't get out of bed for the life of me) was that I am sooo tired...After my mom woke me up at 7-whatever in the morning and asked if I was going to school and I said "no", I didn't wake up again until 11:00. I just really did not want to go to school today.

Then I remembered that I don't have my history stuff or my Bio text book I need to finish my hw, so I paged Cody twice and he didn't answer me until like, 20 minutes later at least. And he was so mean to me =( He didn't even ask why I wasn't at school, how I was, etc. He's just like, "Hi" in that tone of voice that clearly means "Just tell me what you want I don't want to talk to you right now." That made me really upset. So I just told him about the books (while he was telling me to make it fast because people were waiting for him outside and he had to go...they went swimming during Spare Block today). And when I asked him if he could bring those home for me he sighed and was like, "uggh, Okay." Then I felt kinda sad and I guess I sounded like it, because he was being so mean to me, and then he spazzed, like, "Oh my GOD Krista, are you mad now?! Great." and stuff, and it really, really pissed me off. So after we got off the phone (after that 10 second conversation), I laid in my bed and cried for a bit, then I decided that this was all stupid so I got out of bed and went downstairs, got a glass of juice then came back up to my room and watched Care Bears.

That's pretty much how my day has gone.

Before I decided to write in here I was playing "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" on the website, and it was so hard! The one time I got to a million bucks was when I used all my lifelines, AND cheated 8 times. Then I tried a few other times (different games of course) and without cheating at all, and using all my lifelines, I only got to like $8,000. Well, I guess that's not THAT bad. It's SO hard. I still can't believe it. Jeff M. told me when he was playing it, he got to a million with using all lifelines and only cheating TWICE!! That's crazy! I was so pissed off, cuz for one question I asked the audience right, which I always thought (and still think, on the real show) is the best I asked them, and they gave me the wrong answer!!! Fuckin' bastards! I was so mad!

I'm bored.

I can't believe it's ONLY 2:00. It's weird cuz when I was younger and I stayed home from school, I always thought the day went sooo much faster, and that sucked. Now, I'm just WAITING for time to pass, it's going soo slow...I think it's cuz I'm anxious for Cody to get home, and I want him to call me, so I keep checking the clock and thinking, "only one more hour until he's home...".

I need a new book to read.


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