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April 4, 2000 20:43:34

I'm sick and tired of being called a ditz. Honestly. It was funny for a few years, but I just can't take it anymore! Am I a ditz? Really? That's not the kind of person I want to be...for god's sake...I'm sick of my friends and my *boyfriend* (of all people) mocking every second thing I say! Fuck this shit! ARRGGHHH I hate everyone :(

You know what, I got my first portfolio back in Creative Writing this week, and Ms. Panas told me I should publish my short story! I'm so happy...I mean for once I'm good at something. And today in class, she read out a leaflet she'd got in her box was an offer to get our class' work published in a REAL book for **FREE**!! Seriously! As long as she can get 3 other teachers or will be like an anthology, just a bunch of work submitted from our class...that is SUCH an amazing idea. I wanna do it sooo bad, I really hope other people in my class want to too. I think that would be the coolest keepsake...a real book with stuff from our class...Ms. Panas is worried she won't get enough stuff submitted but i'm like, I don't care! I'll submit like 10 pieces if you need me too! It's so neat to read other people's writing. Honestly. It's one of the best things about creative writing...I read Michelle's portfolio today and it was really interesting, and she wants to read mine tomorrow...I'm going to let her. Reading other people's work is the best thing you can do. Obviously. It's like reading a book. Other people's ideas and helps your own writing and thinking.

I'm gonna go now, I'm getting distracted, more later.


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